is a ‘saguaro boot’. Let me explain what it is. Two species of woodpecker, Gilded
Flicker (Colaptes chrysoides) and Gila
Woodpecker (Melanerpes uropygialis)
have adapted to live in arid desert environments in the SW USA and NW Mexico.
Both species excavate nest holes in the fleshy trunks and limbs of saguaro cacti,
but the plants treats these intrusive cavities as wounds and react by secreting a lignin sap that hardens
around the hole chambers, effectively making protective sealing shell. Cleverly,
the woodpeckers do not use the holes until the following year, waiting until
the sap has dried out and the scar tissue of the chamber wall has become solid
and watertight. When a cactus dies, its outer flesh rots away, but the tougher
woody interior and the callus around any holes remain. These shells are angular
in shape, keeping the form of the entrance and the chamber of the woodpecker cavity.
These so-called ‘saguaro boots’ can be
found on the ground amongst the debris of dead cacti. Interestingly, the boot in
this photo is a double one! Thanks to Noel Snyder for sending me this remarkable image
from Arizona, USA.